Why Isn’t Planning Standard Operating Procedure?

Project profitability alone fuels growth for architecture and engineering firm growth – nothing else. So in theory, integrated planning (e.g. knowing the profitability of every project and the utilization of every revenue-contributing resource) should be in place at every firm. This in turn would be a standing agenda item at weekly staff meetings and guide marketing/business development programs as well as hiring decisions.

More often than not, it’s not. This begs the question: Why isn’t an integrated, strategic approach to planning standard operating procedure in the AE industry?

In 99 out of 100 cases, it requires project managers changing how they work. While it may be right for the firm, PMs push back when asked to give up tools they know and are comfortable with. Change management isn’t a quick or easy fix.

H.W. Lochner is a 600-person engineering, planning and consulting services firm and a Deltek Vision customer. Deltek hosted a webinar with Barbara Bunting, Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), and associate vice president at Lochner, to understand how her firm overcame these change management challenges.

She attributes Lochner’s success to five factors:

1. Commitment from management
2. Expectation management
3. Training
4. Clear communication
5. Strict policy enforcement

While the culture change is significant, it can be simplified with preparation, forethought, and support.

And as a result, Lochner has the detailed and accurate information it needs for decision making at the office and firm-wide level. If you missed it, learn more about Bunting and Lochner’s experience in the on-demand webinar or this whitepaper.

What successes have you had?

About Jon Bornstein

Jon Bornstein manages Deltek's marketing in the A&E industry across North America. His job is to ensure that firms understand the many ways they can drive business value using Deltek purpose-built solutions.
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